Tel: 07481 615253

Kitchens & Bathrooms

Kitchens and Bathrooms are the heart of the home, and as key spaces in your home its important they are not only functional but also fashionable. We love Kitchens & Bathrooms and provide a fully inclusive service to make the experience of renewing them easier for you.

Our Service

  1. We visit and measure your space with you so you have all the correct measurements and produce a space plan that can be used by the designers with you
  2. We review your design with you to ensure it meets your needs / specification
  3. Once your happy we produce a Project Plan with dates and will order the parts / materials and put in place any third party subcontractors required for the job.
  4. We complete and oversee all the works ensuring compliance with current regulations. If required we liase with Building Control on your behalf.
  5. On completion we arrange for the space to be fully cleaned ready for use and provide you with a customer file containing any certificates / building control notifications and product guides / information for the job.

View our Portfolio to see some examples of our work, if you would like to find out more about what we can offer, please get in touch.